Understanding the Consequences of DUI: Legal, Financial, and Personal Impact

Understanding the Consequences of DUI | Chicago Trusted Attorneys

Driving under the influence (DUI) is a severe offense that can have long-lasting consequences. 

This article will discuss the legal, financial, and personal impacts of DUI to provide an understanding of the potential repercussions for individuals who decide to drive while impaired. 

The aim is to examine how these factors interact and why this behavior should be avoided. Furthermore, it offers suggestions on ways to avoid being in such a situation in the first place.

We’ll also examine the relevant legislation concerning DUI offenses and related fines and penalties associated with a conviction.

It also looks at additional costs stemming from DUI convictions, including increased insurance premiums and other expenses incurred due to court proceedings or required rehabilitative programs.

Finally, it explores some of the emotional distress often experienced by those caught driving under the influence—from family members and friends to employers and colleagues. 

We encourage you to read on to understand the topic more comprehensively.

Legal Consequences of DUI

Driving under the influence (DUI) of alcohol or drugs is a severe criminal offense in most countries. Penalties for DUI vary by country but generally include fines, license suspension or revocation, and even jail time.

In some cases, an individual convicted of a DUI may also receive additional civil penalties such as loss of employment opportunities or increased insurance premiums.

In addition to legal consequences, individuals convicted of DUIs often face financial costs associated with their conviction. 

These can include court fees, legal representation costs, higher insurance rates, revocation of driving privileges which necessitates alternative means of transportation, and reimbursement for damages caused by any accident resulting from the intoxication.

Furthermore, those facing more severe charges may be required to pay restitution to victims injured during an intoxicated driver incident.

The personal impact stemming from a DUI conviction cannot be overlooked either. A person’s reputation and relationships may suffer due to negative public perception and embarrassment at committing this crime.

The stigma surrounding DUIs is real and lasting; it takes considerable effort on behalf of the offender to rebuild trust among family members, friends, co-workers, employers, and other vital stakeholders in life.

Finally, depending on the severity of punishment handed down by courts following a conviction – particularly prison sentences – an individual’s daily routine could be significantly disrupted, leading to further complications that must be addressed upon release.

It is clear then that the consequences of DUI are far-reaching—extending beyond immediate legal ramifications into both financial and social realms with potentially long-term impacts on one’s lifestyle.

DUI Laws and Penalties

Understanding the Consequences of DUI | Chicago Trusted Attorneys

The DUI laws and penalties vary from state to state but typically include a combination of fines, jail time, license suspension or revocation, community service hours, mandatory alcohol awareness classes, ignition interlock device installation on the vehicle being driven by the offender, probation and other court-ordered restrictions. 

Sometimes, an individual may also be required to attend drug/alcohol treatment programs.

In most states within the US, driving under the influence is considered a criminal offense with misdemeanor-level charges for first offenses and felony levels for subsequent offenses depending on severity. 

Generally speaking, a DUI conviction can result in:

  • A fine up to $5,000 or more
  • Jail sentence of 1–6 months (or longer in certain circumstances)
  • Suspension or permanent revocation of driver’s license
  • Probationary period lasts several years

Besides legal repercussions from a DUI charge or conviction, individuals may experience financial consequences. These include:

  • Elevated car insurance premiums due to perceived higher risk, 
  • Potential job loss related to vehicle operation, 
  • Expenses for court-mandated programs like addiction prevention courses, 
  • Missed wages due to court appearances, 
  • Costs associated with hiring legal representation and administrative fees imposed by government bodies.

Although less tangible than legal and financial repercussions, there are undoubtedly personal impacts of DUIs that should not be discounted. 

These can include damage done to relationships with family members, friends, and employers; impaired ability to obtain future housing opportunities; negative public opinion resulting in ostracization from social circles; long term psychological effects, including depression, shame, and guilt, all leading potentially lead to other self-destructive behaviors.

License Suspension or Revocation

The consequences of driving under the influence (DUI) extend beyond legal and financial penalties to include personal impacts. License suspension or revocation is one such consequence that can further affect both an individual’s life and employment opportunities.

DUI license suspensions are generally imposed by a state’s Department of Motor Vehicles (DMV). The exact duration of any given suspension depends on various factors, including the jurisdiction in which it occurred, prior offenses, age, amount of alcohol consumed, and whether a minor passenger was involved.

Generally speaking, though, first-time offenders may have their licenses suspended for up to 90 days, while repeat offenders face more extended periods; sometimes up to two years or more, depending on the severity of the charge(s). 

Therefore, those convicted with multiple DUI charges will likely experience harsher punishments than individuals arrested for only one offense.

Additionally, an individual’s ability to drive legally during this period may be restricted by installing an ignition interlock device (IID). This device requires drivers to blow into a breathalyzer before they can start their vehicle; if BAC levels surpass a pre-set level, then the car will not start.

Furthermore, some states require additional restrictions, such as supervision over certain hours or within specific areas when driving privileges are reinstated after the expiration of the original suspension term. 

In extreme cases where an IID cannot be installed due to lack of resources or technical issues, permanent revocation could occur instead.

People charged with drunk driving offenses need to understand all potential outcomes to make informed decisions throughout their case proceedings. 

Although most sentences involve fines, jail time, and license suspensions or revocations, these measures serve as deterrents against future misconduct.

It is critical that everyone follows traffic laws and drives responsibly at all times, regardless of how many drinks they had earlier in the evening, since doing otherwise can lead to severe ramifications down the line.

Mandatory Alcohol Education Programs

In many jurisdictions, those convicted of a DUI are required to attend an alcohol education program. These programs typically involve intensive group or individual counseling to increase knowledge about the dangers of driving under the influence and help individuals develop healthier drinking habits.

In addition, some states have implemented IID programs that force offenders to pass a breathalyzer test before their vehicles start. 

The costs associated with these educational requirements vary from state to state; however, most require an upfront fee for enrollment and additional fees for each course session attended.

Furthermore, to remain compliant with court-ordered conditions of probation or parole, participants must complete all mandated sessions within the specified timeframe

Noncompliance may result in further legal action, including jail time, fines, license suspension/revocation, and increased insurance premiums.

It is important to note that while participation in alcohol education courses can provide insight into one’s behavior and potentially lead to improved decision-making skills and self-control around alcohol consumption, this intervention does not guarantee long-term sobriety or protection against future arrests due to impaired driving.

Therefore it is essential for those who choose to drink alcoholic beverages to do so responsibly without putting themselves or others at risk by operating a motor vehicle while intoxicated. 

Ignition Interlock Devices (IID)

Alcohol education programs are an essential part of preventing impaired driving, but another method to reduce the risk of DUI is using ignition interlock devices.

An IID requires a driver to blow into a breathalyzer before starting their vehicle and periodically while driving to prove that their blood alcohol concentration is below a specific limit. 

If it exceeds this limit, the car won’t start or will stop if already in motion. IIDs are effective in reducing recidivism among convicted drunk drivers.

Legislation mandating the use of IIDs for those convicted of DUI has been enacted in all 50 states, though requirements vary across jurisdictions. 

Generally speaking, offenders must install an IID on any vehicles registered under their name and keep it installed for anywhere from six months up to a lifetime, depending on the severity of the offense and individual state laws.

In some cases, offenders may also be required to pay monthly fees for monitoring services associated with the device’s installation and maintenance.

Beyond monetary costs associated with installing and maintaining an IID, there can be social implications too; friends might not want someone who needs an IID in their car due to potential delays when starting/stopping the vehicle, embarrassment at having such a visible reminder of past mistakes. 

Additionally, many individuals familiar with these devices view them negatively because they feel like it’s a punishment rather than safety measures — something akin to being grounded by parents even after turning 18 years old.

The effectiveness of mandatory ignition interlock device legislation depends mainly on public awareness about its purpose and enforcement by police officers during traffic stops. 

Most importantly, though, attitudes toward these technologies should shift away from viewing them as punitive measures towards understanding them as ways to protect themselves and others whenever they choose to get behind the wheel after consuming alcohol.

Criminal Records and Background Checks

In most states, DUIs are also recorded in an individual’s criminal record, which will remain indefinitely unless expunged or sealed by the courts.

Furthermore, individuals convicted of driving under the influence may have their driver’s licenses suspended for several months to years, depending on state laws.

Background checks conducted by potential employers often include running an applicant’s criminal history as part of their evaluation process. 

If a DUI appears on this report, it can hinder an individual’s chances at employment since most companies prefer not to hire those with a criminal history. 

Additionally, specific jobs such as police officers or teachers, require applicants to pass rigorous background checks before being hired, and even then, many organizations refuse to employ anyone with prior convictions.

Moreover, insurance rates tend to increase drastically after receiving a DUI conviction due to drivers deemed ‘high risk.’ 

This means that any automobile owned must now be insured at higher premiums than originally paid before the incident. 

Some auto insurers may also decide to terminate coverage altogether if they deem the policyholder too much of a financial liability for them.

In light of these facts about DUI convictions being placed on one’s record and subsequent effects during background checks, it is clear that the legal impacts of driving under the influence extend far beyond just punishment received from the law; rather, they shape both personal and financial aspects of life significantly.

Potential Jail Time

The consequences of DUI offenses can be severe, including possible jail time. When an offender is convicted, their sentence may include incarceration in a county or state prison for varying lengths of time depending on the severity and number of DUIs committed.

In some cases, especially those involving vehicular homicide or serious personal injury to another person, offenders may face extended sentences that could even reach life imprisonment.

In addition to being incarcerated, DUI-convicted individuals often receive fines as part of their sentence, which are meant to compensate victims or serve as punishment. 

The amount varies by jurisdiction but typically ranges from $500-$5,000 and requires payment within 30 days of conviction.

Furthermore, most states require offenders to take alcohol awareness classes and install ignition interlock devices in their vehicles after release from custody. These requirements also incur additional fees for the offender.

It’s essential for anyone who has been charged with this crime to understand what they are facing so that they can make informed decisions throughout the process.

Probation and Parole

In many cases, persons convicted of DUI may be subject to probation or parole. Probation is a period of court-ordered supervision in the community as an alternative to serving time in jail. 

A person on probation must comply with specific conditions set by the court, such as regularly reporting to a supervising officer and avoiding criminal activity or associations.

Parole is released from prison before completing one’s entire sentence, while still under some state supervision. The terms of parole can vary greatly depending on the jurisdiction and crime committed.

The following list provides examples of standard terms associated with probation and parole:

  • Frequent meetings with a parole/probation officer
  • Abstaining from drug use
  • Obtaining employment
  • Restrictions on travel (including out-of-state)
  • Completion of treatment programs for substance abuse or mental health issues

Noncompliance with these rules often results in revocation of probation or parole and a return to custody until the end of the original sentence. 

In some jurisdictions, violations are punishable by incarceration and fines that can further compound the financial costs associated with having a DUI conviction.

Failure to comply could also lead to additional charges that carry even harsher penalties than those imposed initially for the underlying offense. 

Given these potential consequences, it is clear why individuals with DUI convictions must take their obligations seriously when placed on probation or parole.

It is essential for them to understand their rights and responsibilities so they can effectively manage this difficult situation and make sure they remain compliant within the parameters set by law enforcement personnel.

Impact on Employment Opportunities

Convicted individuals may find it challenging to obtain or maintain a job due to the social stigma associated with their criminal record

Employers often view DUI offenses as signs that an individual is irresponsible and unreliable, which could affect whether they will hire them in the first place or keep them employed long-term.

Furthermore, many professions have licensing requirements prohibiting people with certain types of convictions from practicing in their field

In addition to potential issues related to finding and keeping a job, individuals charged with DUIs may face difficulty obtaining occupational licenses necessary for some jobs, such as those involving driving commercial vehicles or working in fields like nursing or teaching.

In most states, employers must consider an applicant’s past criminal history when hiring or firing employees. 

This means that even if someone completes probation and all other legal requirements after being convicted of a DUI, there still might be consequences for their career prospects.

Also, having a DUI conviction on one’s record could make it more difficult for someone to obtain student loan deferment or financial aid since these programs usually require applicants to provide details about any previous criminal activity. 

Additionally, insurance premiums can increase significantly following a DUI conviction due to higher risk levels associated with individuals found guilty of operating while intoxicated (OWI).

These circumstances underscore how seriously society takes drunk driving offenses and highlights the need for caution among those considering drinking alcohol before getting behind the wheel of a car; the personal, financial, and professional repercussions of doing so can last well beyond any short-term satisfaction gained from engaging in this behavior.

Repeat Offenses and Enhanced Penalties

In many jurisdictions, including Illinois, those convicted of DUI offenses face enhanced penalties for repeat violations. These include more significant fines, harsher jail sentences, and longer license suspensions or revocations. 

Also, the conviction of multiple DUI offenses can result in the offender being labeled a “habitual traffic offender” on their driving record, which can carry even more severe consequences.

The following are just some examples of how repeated DUIs may affect an individual:

  • Fines: For subsequent convictions, courts often impose higher penalties than what was given out during previous sanctions. Depending on the state, this could be anywhere from twice to ten times as much as previously paid.
  • Jail Time: A second offense will likely cause prison time ranging from one month to up to three years, depending on the severity of the instance and jurisdiction. Subsequent convictions tend to have significantly longer jail terms with no possibility of probation or parole until after serving their sentence in full.
  • License Restrictions: Repeat offenders generally must wait much longer before reapplying for a driver’s license; additionally, they may receive limited privileges such as restricted access only to workplaces or school locations. In some instances, suspended licenses can become permanent if further violations occur while under suspension status.
  • Insurance Costs: Insurance rates for drivers convicted of multiple DUIs typically increase substantially with each additional offense because insurers consider them at high risk for future accidents due to impaired judgment and decision-making abilities associated with alcohol consumption. 

Furthermore, certain insurance companies are not legally obligated to cover individuals found guilty of multiple DUI cases within a certain period (such as five years).

There are serious repercussions with being charged with multiple DUI offenses, which should deter any prospective violator from engaging in such unacceptable behavior going forward.

Financial Consequences of DUI

Understanding the Consequences of DUI | Chicago Trusted Attorneys

The financial consequences of driving under the influence (DUI) can be severe. According to a survey by the Centers for Disease Control and Prevention, almost one-third of all fatal motor vehicle crashes in the United States involved alcohol-impaired drivers. 

The cost associated with these incidents is staggering. Driving under the influence often leads to fines, legal fees, and higher insurance rates. 

Upon conviction, court costs can range from hundreds to thousands of dollars depending on the jurisdiction and circumstances surrounding the DUI arrest are typically assessed. 

Additionally, some jurisdictions may require offenders to pay restitution for any damages incurred during or due to their drunk driving incident.

In addition, most states impose mandatory license suspensions, which limit an individual’s ability to secure employment or travel freely. 

In many cases, convicted DUI offenders must participate in costly programs such as substance abuse counseling sessions and ignition interlock devices installed in their vehicles – both of which add substantial expenses over time.

Furthermore, insurance companies will increase premiums significantly following a DUI offense; this additional expense will likely remain in effect for several years after conviction. 

Given its significant economic burden, it is not surprising that DUIs have become increasingly expensive crimes throughout much of the United States due to increased enforcement efforts and stricter punishments imposed upon those found guilty of violating laws related to impaired driving offenses.

Understanding and being aware of these potential financial repercussions may help deter individuals from engaging in illegal activities while behind the wheel.

Fines and Court Costs

The amount of money owed in fines and court fees depends on various factors such as the severity of the offense, the number of prior convictions, state laws, and other considerations. 

Fines associated with DUI convictions vary widely from location to location, but they typically include fines imposed by the court and any related administrative fees which come along with them. 

Depending on the circumstances surrounding an individual’s arrest, these can quickly run into thousands of dollars.

Individuals charged with DUI also must pay all court costs incurred during their case, including attorney’s fees, lab tests used to determine intoxication levels, witness expenses, and jury duty payments if applicable.

In addition to these financial burdens imposed by the courts, individuals found guilty of DUI may face additional sanctions levied by their state DMV office. 

Possible consequences of a DUI charge and conviction include:

  • License suspension or revocation for up to a year
  • Mandatory installation of an ignition interlock device
  • Increased auto insurance premiums
  • Enrollment in a substance abuse program
  • Community service requirements
  • Vehicle impoundment
  • Probation periods of one year or more
  • Extended jail time for repeat offenses
  • Mandatory alcohol education classes
  • Potential civil liability lawsuits for injuries caused by drunk driving accidents
  • Restitution payments for damages resulting from such accidents

Given these wide-ranging effects, it is clear why avoiding DUI charges should be foremost in everyone’s mind when making decisions about drinking and driving behavior. 

Individuals must understand the ramifications regarding their safety and their pockets before getting behind the wheel after consuming alcoholic beverages.

Legal Fees and Attorney Expenses

Driving under the influence (DUI) can have serious consequences. One of these is financial, in terms of legal fees and attorney expenses that may be incurred due to being charged with DUI.

When facing criminal charges like those for DUI, individuals will need professional representation from an experienced lawyer specializing in this field. 

This type of legal expertise requires payment to cover their services and associated costs, such as court filing fees and administrative costs. These expenditures can add up quickly, even if no convictions or jail time are involved.

The specific amount spent on legal fees depends upon several factors, including:

  • The complexity of the case.
  • The severity of the charges brought against the individual.
  • Whether plea bargains are available or not.

In addition to attorneys’ fees, some people also pay for expert witnesses to bolster their defense or hire private investigators to review evidence related to their cases. 

Depending on the circumstances, these additional costs could substantially increase overall expenses when dealing with a DUI charge.

Also, anyone facing DUI charges needs to understand how much they might expect to pay for adequate representation during this process.

Increased Insurance Premiums

The legal ramifications of a DUI can have long-lasting effects on an individual’s life. In addition to the financial cost associated with court fees and attorney expenses, convicted individuals may be subject to increased insurance premiums as part of their sentence.

Insurance companies are in business to make profits. They view those charged and convicted of a DUI offense as high-risk customers who will likely require more frequent claims and services than other drivers. 

As such, they reserve the right to increase rates for these customers or even deny them coverage altogether.

For those receiving coverage despite a conviction, the premium costs could still be significant enough to cause extreme financial hardship. 

This is especially true if there are multiple convictions over time or if charges involve severe damage or injury caused by driving under the influence.

In some cases, obtaining alternative forms of transportation can reduce this additional expense from having higher car insurance premiums due to a DUI charge or conviction

However, this may not always be feasible depending on the geography and availability of public transportation options in one’s area.

With no viable alternatives available, affected individuals need to weigh all potential options carefully before deciding whether to accept any plea deals offered by a judge or prosecutor related to DUI offenses.

Sr-22 Insurance Requirements

In the aftermath of a DUI conviction, many drivers become aware of an additional requirement. 

This is known as SR-22 insurance requirements. The SR-22 form verifies that drivers have met their state’s minimum liability car insurance coverage.

In some states, it may also be called Certificate of Financial Responsibility (CFR) or proof of financial responsibility filing.

An individual convicted of driving under the influence must obtain an SR-22 from their auto insurer:

  1. The insurer will file the electronic form with the Department of Motor Vehicles (DMV).
  2. It certifies that the person holds a valid automobile policy and provides proof that they have taken out adequate liability insurance for their vehicle following state laws.
  3. It enables them to keep driving privileges after being found guilty in court.

The cost associated with this form varies depending on each individual’s situation, but generally speaking, those required to submit one can expect to pay higher premiums than other motorists due to increased risk factors associated with DUI convictions.

For instance, if found guilty of drunk driving, most states require offenders to purchase high-risk auto insurance policies, which usually come at a significantly higher price tag than regular insurance plans. 

In some cases, individuals may need to provide evidence that they have completed an alcohol treatment program before having their license reinstated; such programs often carry additional costs.

SR-22 insurance is typically necessary when getting back behind the wheel following a DUI conviction and is considered part of the overall consequences associated with drinking and driving – legal, financial, and personal impacts – all resulting from making potentially life-altering decisions while impaired by drugs or alcohol.

Vehicle Impoundment or Towing Costs

When a person is charged with driving under the influence, their vehicle may be impounded or towed. This can incur significant costs that must be paid to either have the car released from an impound lot or for its return after being pulled away.

The cost of impounding and towing a vehicle is set by local and state regulations, so they vary across jurisdictions. In some locations, fees are based on how long the car has been in storage; these charges can range anywhere from $40-100/day.

There may also be other associated costs, such as administrative fees, if paperwork needs to be processed before release. 

In addition to these direct financial implications, property damage resulting from improper vehicle towing or storing may occur while held in custody.

If this happens, a person could potentially be liable for additional expenses related to any repairs that need to take place due to negligence or mishandling of the vehicle during its time in storage. 

The total cost incurred when dealing with DUI vehicle impoundment and towing depends on several factors, including local laws, duration of storage, and whether any damages occurred while the vehicle was in police possession.

People charged with DUIs need to familiarize themselves with applicable regulations where they live so they know what potential costs may arise should their automobile get impounded or towed away.

Loss of Income Due to License Suspension

Losing employment opportunities may lead to long-term economic hardship for those affected by a DUI charge. 

Three elements that should be considered when evaluating potential economic loss include:

  1. Loss of current job position;
  2. Limited access to new career opportunities; and
  3. Inability to drive as part of one’s profession.

In some instances, individuals charged with DUI may face immediate termination from their place of employment because they cannot abide by company policies or safety procedures while driving under the influence.

Additionally, future employers may not consider applicants convicted of DUI offenses due to liability concerns or worries about employee reliability, depending on the type of occupation desired. 

Many jobs require employees to transport goods, materials, or customers during the course of regular business activities; thus making it impossible for someone whose license has been suspended related to a DUI offense to fulfill these requirements regardless if they hold a professional driver’s license (e.g., taxi/commercial driver).

For many people without reliable family or friends available for assistance, lack of access to motor vehicles also limits them from engaging in gainful daily activities such as: 

  • Traveling back and forth between home and work locations
  • Going shopping for groceries or other necessary items
  • Taking care of medical appointments
  • Attending social events

These lifestyle changes could easily affect physical and emotional well-being over time if not managed carefully, leading to more serious issues within personal relationships and overall quality of life standards.

Restitution to Victims

DUI convictions can result in restitution to victims. In some court cases, a judge may order the convicted party to make payments directly to those who have suffered due to their actions. 

This form of punishment is intended to make up for any financial harm done by the DUI conviction and is usually paid over an extended period.

Restitution payments may also cover medical expenses incurred due to the accident that led to the DUI conviction. 

Payment amounts vary depending on each case but generally are based on factors such as the severity of injury or property damage caused by the incident. If multiple people were injured, restitution will likely be divided accordingly.

In addition to monetary damages, restitution orders may include other forms of compensation, such as community service hours or attendance at educational programs related to alcohol abuse prevention and awareness

These types of punishments are often seen as more effective alternatives than fines alone in changing a person’s behavior and attitude towards drunk driving.

The effects of DUI-related restitution extend beyond simply paying back losses sustained from an accident; it also serves as a reminder for offenders and society about the consequences associated with impaired driving. 

Such reminders help promote safe driving habits and prevent similar tragedies from occurring in future incidents involving intoxicated drivers.

Civil Lawsuits and Liability

Civil lawsuits are another potential consequence for drivers who have caused injury to others in a DUI crash. 

Liability is not limited to criminal charges, as civil suits may be brought forward by those injured or their families seeking monetary compensation from the at-fault driver.

In this regard, here are four notable points regarding civil liability associated with DUIs:

  • Drivers convicted of DUI face unlimited damages for any personal injury that they cause while intoxicated.
  • If a victim dies due to DUI-related injuries, family members can bring wrongful death claims against the at-fault driver or owners of vehicles involved in the accident.
  • In some cases, third parties such as employers may also be held liable for providing employee access to alcohol prior to them getting behind the wheel.
  • Additionally, vehicle manufacturers may also be sued if defective parts were responsible for causing an accident leading to injury or death.

If found liable in a civil suit related to a DUI incident, victims or their families have a right to recover damages such as lost wages, medical costs incurred because of injuries sustained during the accident and even emotional trauma resulting from it. 

Depending on state laws, punitive damages may also be sought out when recklessness or negligence is proved on the part of the defendant.

The aftermath of a DUI crash can leave individuals facing severe financial penalties and potentially long-term lifestyle changes stemming from increased insurance premiums and other unforeseen expenses related to civil lawsuits pertaining to liability issues.

Credit Score and Financial Reputation

Following civil liability, the next consequence to consider is how a DUI affects one’s credit score and financial reputation.

A criminal record can severely damage someone’s credit score as it stands out from other activities that are typically considered when assessing an individual’s ability to be granted loans or access to services like renting an apartment or buying insurance

This means that after being convicted of a crime, such as driving under the influence, individuals may find themselves with fewer opportunities than before due to their criminal record.

Additionally, if there are unpaid fines related to a DUI conviction then these need to be paid off in order for the person’s credit score not to suffer further damage.

Moreover, even if all necessary payments have been made after being convicted of a DUI, this still leaves behind what could be called ‘financial baggage’ which will follow them around for some time until things settle down again. 

These include any additional costs associated with higher-priced car insurance among others. It can take years for people who have had DUIs on their records to rebuild their financial reputations and gain back trust from lenders and creditors alike.

This shows that while legal ramifications often take center stage following a DUI charge they should not overshadow the potential effects on one’s finances and overall reputation over time. 

In order to minimize lasting repercussions and move past any convictions quickly it is important for those involved in such cases to make sure all obligations are met both legally and financially in order to avoid further penalties or long-term issues later down the road.

Personal Impact of DUI

The potential for physical injury or death, as well as damage to property, are all risks that come with DUI.

It has been suggested that individuals who have experienced a DUI conviction may develop psychological issues such as depression, anxiety and substance abuse. 

Furthermore, having a criminal record can lead to long-term employment difficulties due to hiring restrictions in certain professions or job classifications.

In addition to these visible consequences, an individual’s reputation is also at risk when faced with a DUI charge. 

This could ultimately result in decreased self-esteem and decreased ability to form meaningful relationships with others.

An additional financial burden comes into play when an individual must take time off work due to legal proceedings or jail time related to the charges associated with the offense. 

These lost wages represent yet another significant consequence that adds further strain on one’s finances.

Finally, there remains a possibility of incarceration depending on the severity of circumstances surrounding the offense and the history of prior offenses committed by an individual accused of DUI. 

On top of this, any subsequent jobs could tend to offer lower income than previous positions held before imprisonment; again causing further economic hardship for those affected by these developments.

Emotional and Psychological Effects

The emotional and psychological effects of a DUI charge can be devastating. Those who are convicted may experience feelings of guilt, shame, embarrassment, and humiliation in the aftermath. 

They often struggle with anxiety relating to their legal status or fear that they will not be able to drive again. This creates an atmosphere of stress as individuals try to navigate their new reality.

In addition to these immediate responses, those convicted of a DUI also face long-term psychological concerns such as depression and suicidal ideation. 

The social stigma associated with a conviction can lead to isolation from family and friends, which further exacerbates existing mental health issues.  

It is important for those facing charges related to driving under the influence (DUI) to recognize the potential consequences on their emotions and mental well-being. 

Seeking out professional help if needed is essential during this time so that support systems can be established while managing any personal trauma resulting from the incident. 

There are numerous resources available through online counseling services, helplines, rehabilitation centers, and community outreach programs.

Taking proactive steps toward addressing underlying issues rather than simply avoiding them is key when dealing with the emotional implications of a DUI charge. 

Focusing on healthy coping strategies such as exercise, journaling, meditation, attending support groups, or talking openly about one’s experiences can all provide valuable outlets for processing difficult emotions arising from the situation. 

Understanding how to manage reactions positively moving forward enables individuals impacted by DUIs to take control over their own recovery process.

Damage to Relationships and Social Life

The personal and social implications of DUI are significant. This is because DUI has a direct impact on relationships, as well as one’s overall reputation within the community. 

The legal consequences associated with DUI can also lead to a loss of trust in family members, friends, and others in one’s social circle. Additionally, it may be difficult for an individual convicted of DUI to find employment or housing due to the stigma attached to such convictions.

Furthermore, having a criminal record resulting from a DUI conviction can make it hard for someone to travel outside of their home country if they wish to do so. 

In this case, many countries have strict laws prohibiting people who have committed certain crimes from entering without prior permission. For those whose job requires frequent flying abroad, this could potentially mean the end of their career aspirations.

Stigma and Public Perception

The consequences of a DUI conviction go beyond legal and financial penalties. There is also the potential to experience long-term personal impact due to public stigma and perception.

It can be difficult for someone with a DUI on their record to maintain an acceptable reputation in society, as they may be judged by others aware of their past mistake

This type of judgmental attitude can lead to social exclusion or discrimination when applying for certain jobs, housing opportunities, educational grants, or other services that require background checks.

A person convicted of driving under the influence might face:

  • Unfavorable reactions from family members and peers
  • Loss of respect among colleagues at work
  • Difficulty finding acceptance in social circles

In addition, there is often a feeling of shame and embarrassment associated with having been charged with a DUI offense. It can take time and effort to rebuild one’s sense of self-esteem after experiencing such negative judgment from those around them.

The harsh reality is that it may take years before others forget the incident.

Potential Loss of Custody or Visitation Rights for Parents

The consequences of driving under the influence (DUI) can have significant legal, financial and personal impacts. Potential loss of custody or visitation rights for parents is one such consequence that can arise from DUI convictions.

In many jurisdictions including Illinois, a court may consider a parent’s criminal record when deciding matters of child custody and parenting time. 

The courts are more likely to deny parental visitation rights if the parent has been convicted of any type of crime, including DUI offenses.

In some states, DUI convictions will automatically result in suspending or terminating parental custodial rights. 

Even in states where this is not an automatic outcome, judges may still consider previous alcohol-related offenses when determining what is in the child’s best interest during disputes over custody or visitation issues.

It is important to remember that even cases where charges were reduced or dismissed due to the successful completion of alcohol programs may be considered evidence against awarding full custodial rights or liberal visitation privileges.

The implications on children with incarcerated parents who have had their custodial rights terminated as a result of a DUI conviction are particularly severe. 

Studies show that parental incarceration can lead to negative psychological and educational outcomes for children, especially those who did not receive consistent access to their fathers prior to imprisonment. 

This further highlights how DUIs can cause lasting damage beyond fines and jail time by potentially disrupting relationships between minor children and their incarcerated parents.

For these reasons, it is important for parents facing DWI charges to understand the potential effects on future custodial arrangements or visits with their children before entering plea agreements that could jeopardize these rights. 

Failing to do so can add additional heartache onto already difficult situations while limiting opportunities for meaningful engagement between father/mother and child in years ahead.

Impact on Mental Health

The consequences of driving under the influence can profoundly impact mental health. Alcohol and other drugs impair judgment, leading to risky behavior that may have long-term psychological effects.

Furthermore, legal ramifications associated with DUI convictions can create feelings of guilt or shame, which can be compounded when stressors are encountered, such as job loss or family conflict due to the incident.

The physical toll from alcohol consumption and the emotional burden of being arrested for DUI or causing an accident can lead to depression, anxiety, and posttraumatic stress disorder (PTSD).

In addition, those who struggle with addiction also face greater risks in terms of their mental well-being. Financial strain associated with court costs, fines, insurance increases, attorney’s fees, etc., can add to this already difficult situation.

It is important for individuals convicted of DUI to seek professional help if needed; many states offer treatment programs as part of penalties imposed by courts following conviction. 

Mental healthcare professionals and support groups provide valuable assistance in recovery processes both during probationary periods and beyond.

Moreover, counseling services often address underlying issues related to substance abuse and addiction that contribute to riskier behaviors such as drinking and driving.

When seeking treatment for mental health concerns resulting from a DUI offense, it is necessary to remain honest about one’s circumstances to develop appropriate care plans.

If untreated these conditions can become more serious over time, affecting relationships and overall quality of life. 

It is therefore essential that those who find themselves suffering after a DUI take steps towards improving their mental well-being through therapeutic interventions whenever possible.

Changes in Personal and Professional Goals

The consequences of a DUI on mental health can be profound and long-lasting. It is not uncommon for individuals to experience feelings of guilt, regret, shame, depression, or anxiety after being convicted of driving under the influence.

But beyond these emotions, changes in personal and professional goals may also result from the incident.

This shift in perspective often involves reevaluating priorities. Here are four examples:

  1. Choosing activities that do not involve drinking alcohol;
  2. Focusing energy on career development or other educational pursuits;
  3. Becoming more involved in community service initiatives;
  4. Working with an addiction counselor or therapist to address underlying issues related to alcohol consumption or emotional regulation.

Achieving these objectives can help one regain control over their life and direct it toward healthier outcomes. 

In addition to providing structure following a DUI conviction, this process allows individuals to set an example for others who might find themselves in similar situations and demonstrate growth and maturity by making positive lifestyle changes.

Furthermore, taking ownership of past mistakes is beneficial for overall well-being.

Recognizing the need for change and creating tangible steps towards achieving those goals will increase self-esteem and confidence which could have lasting effects beyond recovery from a DUI charge. 

With commitment, dedication, and support from family members and friends, individuals can take meaningful steps towards rebuilding their lives after experiencing the legal ramifications associated with driving under the influence of drugs or alcohol.

Alcohol Abuse and Dependency

Alcohol abuse and dependency can be incredibly detrimental to an individual’s physical and mental health. 

It can also have serious consequences beyond the individual; for example, driving under the influence of alcohol (DUI) is a significant public safety issue in many countries worldwide.

According to statistics published by the Centers for Disease Control and Prevention, approximately 32 people die every day in car crashes involving drivers who are impaired by alcohol.

The personal impact resulting from alcohol abuse and dependency can be severe for individuals and their families alike. 

Those suffering from alcohol addiction often experience emotional distress, including depression, anxiety, or guilt about their drinking behaviors. This distress might lead them to act aggressively or even intentionally hurt themselves.

Additionally, family members dealing with someone addicted to alcohol may feel frustrated when trying to help them seek treatment.

It is clear that while there are no easy solutions when it comes to preventing DUIs and reducing their effects on individuals and society at large, understanding the consequences of abusing alcohol is essential for anyone considering drinking before driving – whether underage or not – so that they can make informed decisions regarding how much they drink prior to getting behind the wheel of a vehicle.

Rehabilitation and Treatment Options

Alcohol abuse and dependency can have devastating consequences. Now, it is important to consider the rehabilitation and treatment options available for those struggling with alcohol addiction.

Treatment for alcoholism typically takes place in an outpatient or residential setting. Outpatient treatment involves attending therapy sessions at a clinic one or more times per week while living at home. 

Residential treatment requires that patients stay at a rehab facility for up to several weeks where they receive 24-hour care from medical professionals.

No matter which type of program individuals choose, most include various components such as:

  • Individual counseling sessions
  • Group therapy sessions
  • Education about alcohol use disorder
  • Coping strategies to help manage stress and cravings.

It is also important to note that medication may be prescribed during the course of treatment depending on the individual’s needs. 

Rehabilitation programs provide individuals with support and guidance throughout their recovery journey so they can learn how to live without relying on substances. 

With commitment and dedication, individuals who seek help through these treatments can begin a new life free from addiction.

Frequently Asked Questions

What Is the Difference Between A DUI and A DWI?

Driving under the influence (DUI) and driving while intoxicated (DWI) are two terms that refer to operating a motor vehicle after consuming alcohol or drugs.

DUI is typically used in states where a driver’s Blood Alcohol Content (BAC) must be 0.08% or higher for an arrest to occur, whereas DWI applies when BAC levels are lower than the legal limit but still considered too impaired to operate a vehicle safely.

What Are the Long-Term Effects of A DUI Conviction?

Depending upon the circumstances of the offense and any subsequent criminal history, a DUI charge may cause difficulties in obtaining employment due to background checks or other restrictions.

Certain convictions can also result in increased car insurance premiums for multiple years after the incident.

Mental health issues such as depression and anxiety are also common among those with past DUI charges which could lead to further financial strain from medical bills or lost wages due to missed work days.

What Are the Consequences of Refusing a Breathalyzer Test?

Refusing a breathalyzer test can have various consequences, as it is evidence of guilt in some instances. 

Depending on the jurisdiction, refusal to submit to a breathalyzer test may be used against an individual during criminal proceedings or result in administrative penalties such as suspension of one’s driver’s license.

In cases with no prior record of DUI convictions, refusing the test might lead to harsher punishments than if the person had taken and failed the test. 

How Long Does a DUI Stay on My Criminal Record?

DUI convictions typically remain on an individual’s criminal record indefinitely. However, the length of time can vary based on jurisdictions.

In some states, a DUI conviction may be expunged after ten years with no further offenses or arrests.

The exact rules for expungement often depend on the severity of the offense and any additional charges associated with it.

What Is the Difference Between a Misdemeanor and a Felony DUI Charge?

DUI charges are classified as either misdemeanors or felonies, depending on the severity of the offense.

A misdemeanor DUI typically involves a first-time offender with no aggravating circumstances, such as high blood alcohol concentration (BAC) levels, an accident resulting in injury or death, and prior DUIs within the last ten years.

On the other hand, felony DUI is more serious and usually involves a higher BAC level than 0.08%, repeat offenses within five to ten years of each other, or any combination of these factors.

Penalties for felony convictions may include a one-year or longer prison sentence, substantially increased fines, and possible vehicle forfeiture.


The consequences of a DUI conviction can have far-reaching and long-lasting effects, from the financial costs associated with fines to emotional trauma.

Understanding these legal, financial, and personal impacts is critical for anyone charged with driving under the influence or who knows someone facing such charges.

To prevent future DUIs, it is important to be aware of the legal limit for drinking and driving and any alternatives to jail time available in some states.

Knowing all this information will help ensure that everyone on the roads is safe and out of trouble.

If you have been charged with a DUI or DWI, it is vital to seek the guidance of an experienced attorney to navigate all aspects of these charges. Chicago Trusted Attorneys can provide you with the legal support and advice you need during this difficult time. Our experienced team of lawyers is here to help protect your rights and guide you through the legal process. Contact us today for a free consultation.

Five Reasons to Fight an Illinois Traffic Ticket

Five Reasons to Fight an Illinois Traffic Ticket

Traffic tickets are a common occurrence on the roads of Illinois. While some drivers choose to pay the fine and move on, others opt to fight the ticket. Fighting a traffic ticket may seem like a daunting task, but it can have significant benefits in the long run.

When your license is on the line and you’re facing penalties for a traffic ticket, you may have grounds to avoid it. Here’s why you should consider fighting an Illinois traffic ticket. 

A First Traffic Ticket May Be Easier to Fight 

If this is your first time being ticketed for a traffic violation, you may have a better chance of avoiding harsh penalties. Judges are often more lenient on first-time offenders, making it easier to avoid lasting penalties on your drivers license. 

However, arguing this and taking the right steps can be tough without a lawyer. Talk to your attorney about your options to fight back. 

You May Be Able to Attend Traffic School Instead

If you’ve received a traffic ticket in Illinois, attending traffic safety school may be an option for reducing or dismissing your ticket. A traffic safety school is a program that teaches safe driving practices and helps drivers improve their skills on the road.

In some cases, attending a traffic safety school can result in reduced fines or dismissed tickets altogether. However, it’s important to note that not all tickets are eligible for this option. Additionally, there may be specific requirements or limitations associated with attending a traffic safety school in Illinois.

To determine whether or not attending traffic safety school is an option for your particular situation, it’s best to consult with a lawyer who specializes in Illinois traffic law. They’ll be able to provide guidance on whether or not this option is available to you and what steps you need to take if it is.

The Right Defense Can Save Your Case

One of the most common defenses used in traffic court is challenging the accuracy of the radar or speedometer used by law enforcement. Drivers may argue that the equipment was faulty or improperly calibrated, resulting in an inaccurate reading of their speed. 

In some cases, drivers may argue that they committed a traffic violation out of necessity to avoid an accident. For example, if a driver ran a red light because they saw another car speeding towards them from another direction, they could argue that they had no choice but to run the light in order to avoid a collision. This defense can be effective if there is clear evidence supporting it.

Speed Cameras Can Be Easier to Fight

Speed cameras and camera tickets are becoming increasingly common in Illinois. These cameras are designed to catch drivers who are speeding or running red lights, and they can result in hefty fines and additional penalties for those who are caught breaking the law. 

Camera tickets can be fought if you believe there’s a discrepancy between posted speed limits and actual traffic speeds. These cameras aren’t perfect, and a malfunction or other issue can lead to an unfair ticket. 

If you do receive a camera ticket or other traffic ticket in Illinois, it’s important to know your rights and options for fighting the charges. You may be able to challenge the evidence against you, negotiate a plea deal with the prosecution, or even have the charges dismissed altogether.

A Ticket Can Impact Your Driving Record

Erasing your traffic ticket from your driving record can prevent your insurance rates from increasing. This is because insurance companies use your driving record to determine the level of risk you pose as a driver. If you have a history of traffic violations, such as speeding or reckless driving, your insurance rates will likely be higher than someone with a clean driving record.

Reckless driving tickets can stay on your driving record for up to seven years and can result in the suspension of your driving privileges, so fighting the ticket is crucial to maintaining your driver’s license. Reckless driving is a serious offense that can lead to severe consequences if convicted.

A Lawyer Can Help Fight Your Traffic Ticket

The consequences can be severe. From hefty fines to points on your driving record, a traffic violation can have long-lasting effects on your life. That’s why it’s important to consider hiring an attorney if you are facing a traffic offense.

An experienced attorney can provide invaluable legal help in navigating the complexities of traffic court and fighting against your charges. They can also help you understand the nuances of Illinois traffic law and regulations.

Ready to speak with a traffic ticket lawyer at Chicago Trusted Attorneys®? Our team is ready to take action. Start with a consultation by calling 312-931-5411 or by completing the online contact form below.

Commonly Charged Crimes in Chicago, Illinois

Commonly Charged Crimes in Chicago, Illinois

Chicago, Illinois has a wide range of common criminal charges, and Chicago courts punish severely for crimes. From drug offenses to DUIs, Chicago takes criminal charges seriously and if you’re facing a criminal charge in Chicago, it’s important to partner with a lawyer quickly to build a strong case.

The trusted legal team at Chicago Trusted Attorneys is here to defend you in the courtroom. With extensive experience and familiarity with Chicago laws, we’ll fight for your future using tried-and-true legal strategies. Here are commonly charged crimes in Chicago, Illinois, and how we can help you if you’re facing criminal charges

Property Crimes

According to recent records by the Chicago Police Department, property crime far surpassed violent crime within Chicago. Theft, burglary, and motor vehicle theft were among the most common property-related crimes. Chicago records show that most theft instances involved individuals stealing items from stores, most often valued at $500 or less.

Property crimes account for the majority of charged crimes in Chicago, and penalties include hefty fines and jail time. Depending on the severity of the crime, it may be charged as a felony instead of a state charge, which can make the consequences even steeper.

Violent Crimes

While violent crimes have been decreasing in Chicago recently, they still account for a significant portion of commonly charged crimes. Violent crimes may include murder, assault, robbery, and burglary. Robbery is the most common by far and comprises every occurrence when an individual threatens another person with a weapon (real or implied) to steal their property. 

Violent crimes are punished severely, and charges of murder and assault are among the crimes that carry the steepest punishments. If you’re facing a violent crime charge within Chicago, it’s critical to partner with a skilled criminal defense attorney early to build a strong case for your defense.

Drug Crimes

Drug-related crimes account for many common criminal charges within Chicago, Illinois. From drug possession to manufacturing, drug crimes are prevalent and punished severely. Heroin and cocaine are historically the most common substance within Chicago drug charges, and penalties for drug charges can cause long jail sentences and large fines.

In former years, cannabis charges were among the top drug crimes within Chicago, but as of 2020, it’s now legal for adults over 21 to possess, consume, and purchase cannabis. Keep in mind, however, that those under the legal age may still face penalties.

Count on Chicago Attorneys to Help

If you’re facing one of the commonly charged crimes in Chicago, Illinois, we’re here to help. We have a long record of successfully defending our clients, no matter their charge, and we can use our experience to support you in the courtroom. From felonies to DUIs to drug charges, we’ve got the skill necessary to serve your needs and advocate for your best outcomes.

If you’re ready to connect with the team of knowledgeable lawyers at Chicago Trusted Attorneys® who will fight for your future, give us a call at 312-931-5411 or fill in our online form today to learn more about your charges.

What’s the Difference Between State and Federal Crimes?

What's the Difference Between State and Federal Crimes?

Each state has its own criminal laws, courts, and punishments, which differ from those of the federal government. 

The difference between state and federal crimes matters when you’re facing state or federal criminal charges. The legal system abides by the state laws set forth by the state legislature, while federal law is governed by Congress. Often, state and federal courts have dual jurisdiction for a crime. The difference is in the details and the punishment. 

The legal system is complex and facing charges of any kind can leave you anxious and confused. Federal crimes typically carry more stringent penalties and severe consequences compared to state convictions. When navigating this type of situation, talk to a criminal defense attorney for guidance on your charges and the difference between state and federal cases. 

What are State Crimes?

A state crime occurs when you are accused of violating state law. State laws may differ from state to state and are enacted by state lawmakers. Each state has its unique criminal or penal code which is routinely updated and revised. The Illinois Compiled Statutes is an extensive list of public law. 

Examples of state crimes include:

Under Illinois law, defendants are entitled to having their rights upheld under both federal and state constitutions. This can mean that the rights granted in a state case include those state-specific recognitions that the federal law may not honor. 

What are Federal Crimes?

Federal laws are uniform and consistent throughout the United States and are written by congress. The federal courts have exclusive jurisdiction over crimes that meet the definition of federal criminal charges. The federal process is far more stringent and differs from that of state procedures. 

Examples of federal crimes include: 

  • Identity theft and credit card fraud
  • Tax evasion
  • Hijacking
  • Bank robbery
  • White collar crimes
  • Drug trafficking
  • Organized crime
  • Crimes that take place on federal property or in which state lines are crossed

In federal criminal cases, you may have fewer protective rights allowed to you than in a state case. The Federal Court only recognizes those which have been granted from the United States Constitution regardless of your state of residence or in which state the crime was committed. 

There are instances in which the charges may overlap and cases may be tried as both state and federal crimes. Talk to your lawyer about the details of your charges if you believe you may be facing overlapping jurisdiction issues. 

Differences in Prosecution

State criminal charges typically begin with either having a complaint filed or with the police witnessing the infraction. State crimes are typically prosecuted by state district attorneys. The investigation into these accusations is carried out by both state and local law enforcement and prosecuted in a state court if it’s determined there is efficient evidence to move forward. 

If the state decides there is enough evidence for an arrest, charges will be brought and you may be arrested, booked, and released before your trial. In the pre-trial, the accused will appear in court for their arraignment where formal charges are brought, followed by preparing for the final court date.

The scope of what is processed in the state court differs from that of its federal counterpart. 

Federal criminal cases are determined by federal agencies, such as the Federal Bureau of Investigation (FBI). Federal agents investigate and obtain evidence using warrants, if needed, through the grand jury, and an indictment is issued. After appearing in front of the judge in federal court, federal criminal charges will be filed, followed by arraignment and a possible plea bargain. You may not be released.  

If a plea bargain can’t be made, the case will go to trial. Federal cases are handled by federal prosecutors with the United States Attorney General’s Office of the Assistant Attorney General by lawyers with extensive experience. Talking to lawyers with experience handling federal cases is key.

Differences in Sentencing

With both state and federal crimes, the penalties vary based on the circumstances of each criminal case. In general, federal punishments are longer than state sentences for a similar crime. The federal courts follow the federal sentencing guidelines and if convicted the sentence will be carried out in federal prison. 

State sentences are served in the state correctional facility. The specifics of your sentence will depend on your state, whether there are aggravating factors, and other details your lawyer can review with you. 

Defend Your Case and Your Future with a Lawyer 

Whether you are up against accusations at the state or federal level, strong legal counsel is your best chance for an optimal outcome. At Chicago Trusted Attorneys® we understand both Illinois and federal law and will be in your corner from start to finish. 

Ready to get the guidance you need during this difficult time? Connect with us today by calling 312-931-5411 or completing the online form below. 

Why You Want a Lawyer for a Speeding Ticket

Why You Want a Lawyer for a Speeding Ticket

When you’re given a speeding ticket, you may consider simply paying for your ticket without a lawyer, but that may be a mistake. Accepting the charges may lead to issues and long-term consequences. 

If you’re facing a speeding ticket, you may need a lawyer’s help to reduce or dismiss these penalties. Here’s what you need to know before you choose how to handle your speeding ticket

Points on Your License 

If there are going to be points added to your license, this can impact your ability to drive and the insurance rates that you get. You may not be able to maintain your driver’s license if there are numerous points being added

Forty-five points can result in a 3-month license suspension. With a speeding ticket, you may receive anything from five to fifty-five points added to your license. The more points put on your license, the longer the suspension times.

The number of points on your license can also increase your auto insurance rates. Fighting the ticket rather than paying with help from an attorney can help you reduce the number of points placed on the license. 

The Attorney Has More Experience

An attorney has more leeway and influence in traffic court than you may have if you’re fighting it alone. You want the attorney to make your case in front of the judge. Since they hear so many cases on a daily basis, they may be more inclined to listen to a lawyer than a person representing themselves. 

You have a better chance of being taken seriously when you have a lawyer. There is always a way to defend a traffic case in court. Claiming that you didn’t realize how fast you actually were going or did not know there was a stop sign may not persuade a judge, and your lawyer knows this. Your lawyer has the experience you need to determine your best options for a defense.

The traffic attorney you seek out knows their way around a courtroom and can argue your case and actually get the judge to listen. This is because of their years of experience in this area. The usual excuses may not make the judge pay attention, you need experience in this area.

Let the Attorney Negotiate for You

There may be some negotiation involved with a serious driving offense. You may be able to negotiate the penalties that come with the ticket with help from a lawyer. The attorney can do this for you because they understand and know the system and laws. 

They may even be able to come up with a deal that reduces your penalties. When the consequences are more than minor, you want to bring on an experienced lawyer to help. Otherwise, you may find that your finances and future could be facing some risks.  

Reaching Out to a Lawyer Regarding Your Speeding Ticket

If you’ve been found to be speeding in Chicago, don’t leave it up to chance. Speak with knowledgeable, experienced attorneys that can help you negotiate better terms. 

Contact the Chicago Trusted Attorneys® to learn more. We can set up a time to talk with you about what to expect and what we can do based on your specific situation. You can fight this, and you should. Call us today at 312-519-3171 or complete the online contact form below.