October 14, 2022

What to Expect in Traffic Court

Mistakes happen behind the wheel, but in some cases, you may feel that you were unfairly ticketed, or you may be ready to seek a reduced or even dismissed traffic ticket. When you receive your ticket, it may have a scheduled date and time that you are supposed to appear in traffic court. 

A Chicago traffic ticket lawyer at Chicago Trusted Attorneys can help determine your best next steps when faced with traffic court. Don’t deal with the uncertainty alone.

Preparing for Your Traffic Court Hearing

If you receive a ticket from a police officer, it is possible you may be requested to appear in court. The ticket will say why you were charged, including the laws you may have broken, the date of the incident, and the time and location of where the officer believed the violation took place. 

If you are scheduled to appear in court, it will also be listed on the ticket along with the date and time of your hearing. The officer will ask you to sign your ticket. This is not an admission of guilt. However, if you do not sign the ticket, you may face other penalties.

There are several things you should make sure you have with you if you are requested to appear in court for a traffic ticket hearing. It is of utmost importance that you do what you can to try and prove yourself innocent if possible. If viable to your case, you should have witnesses that are willing to support your statement, as well as evidence such as photos or video. 

How a Traffic Ticket Lawyer Can Help

Ahead of your trial date, you will want to contact a traffic ticket lawyer to represent you. Never admit guilt before speaking to your lawyer. We may be able to help you prove your innocence. If you are found guilty, you may have to undergo a driving test, community service, or have your license revoked. 

If you fail to appear in court, an arrest warrant may be issued. The judge may also consider filing a default judgment, which means that you lost your hearing because you did not appear in court. You have twenty-one days in Illinois to ask the court to schedule a new hearing. However, you will need to provide an appropriate reason as to why you did not appear at the first hearing.

Your lawyer can help you avoid these troubles. Your lawyer can help you ensure you arrive at the right date with the evidence you need to fight your traffic ticket. Your lawyer will also represent you in the courtroom to get the penalties for a traffic ticket reduced or dismissed. 

Get Help with Your Case from a Traffic Ticket Attorney

When you’ve been ticketed and you’re looking for options, our team at Chicago Trusted Attorneys can advise you on the next steps to take in your cases. We will help you every step of the way so you don’t have to navigate the trial process alone.

Are you ready to talk to an attorney? We’re ready to speak to you. To get started, call 312-519-3171 or fill out the contact form at the bottom of the page.