October 14, 2022

Three Reasons to Get a Defense Attorney for Your Criminal Case

If you’ve been charged with a criminal case, every conviction can follow you for the rest of your life. That’s why it’s essential to contact an experienced Chicago criminal defense attorney who can prove your innocence. 

Your case will receive the attention it deserves. You can’t fight the system on your own, and your future is too important to trust anyone but the best attorney as you work to build a strong legal defense. We are proud to represent and fight for defendants in Chicago.

If you or a loved one are in need of a criminal defense attorney, Chicago Trusted Attorneys® are here to help. Here are three top reasons why you should hire a defense attorney for your case.

You Need Experience On Your Side

Having our knowledgeable lawyers working on your case ensures that you have the best chance of reducing or eliminating your charges. We will immediately begin negotiations with the prosecutors to explore all of your options. 

Your defense lawyer fully understands your criminal case, knows the evidence brought against you, and is well-versed in the applicable law to use to your advantage. You need someone who knows the Illinois Penal Code, which is very complicated.

Your lawyer is certified to handle all types of criminal cases, we are skilled negotiators, and will keep in close communication with you every step of the way. Simply put, their experience will increase your chances of winning.

You Need To Protect Your Rights

In the United States, anyone accused of a crime has certain rights under the Sixth Amendment. These rights include but are not limited to: 

  • The right to a speedy trial
  • The right to a trial by jury
  • The right to an attorney

Were mistakes made or were legal boundaries crossed? Arresting officers do make mistakes, and our skilled investigators will research your case thoroughly to determine if any of your rights were violated. 

Your lawyer knows how police officers should operate, we make sure that the proper warrants were obtained under the Fourth Amendment and evidence was properly collected and processed. Your lawyer will be there for you, from police questioning to your final day in court. 

The Penalties Can Be Severe

With criminal charges, the potential of jail time and immense financial penalties is a valid concern. Whether you’re facing a felony or misdemeanor, you are not alone. After your arrest, bail will be set as well as a date for your arraignment. 

During the time between your arrest and arraignment, it is extremely important for you to do everything possible to ensure that your criminal case proceeds without unnecessary complications or increased costly fines. 

Seek a Defense Attorney for Your Criminal Case

Your lawyer will work to minimize your current and future financial burden including those with your employer and housing. Partnering with our trusted lawyers will assure that you are prepared to appear before the judge and prosecutor on your arraignment date. 

You don’t have to go through this alone, call Chicago Trusted Attorneys® today and let us be there to defend you. Give us a call at 312-519-3171 or connect with us through our online contact form below.