Chicago Expungement Lawyer

Dealing with a criminal record? Hoping for an expungement? A Chicago lawyer from Chicago Trusted Attorneys is your best ally.  We can help you deal with past arrests and convictions, protecting your future from harm and helping you get back on track.

After an arrest or a conviction, your record could affect the rest of your life. Fortunately, your criminal record doesn’t always have to remain. Instead, you may have the chance to clear your record and get the second chance you deserve. 

If you’re concerned about your criminal record, contact the lawyers at Chicago Trusted Attorneys for help. Your Chicago expungement lawyer can answer your questions about expungement and look into helping you get your record sealed or expunged soon. 

Eligibility for Expungement 

First, you and your expungement lawyer will need to determine whether you’re eligible for expungement. Depending on your record, you may have some of the charges on your case sealed so that they can no longer affect your future. However, not every case can be expunged or sealed. 

For example, most felony convictions cannot be expunged, especially violent crimes. Because these crimes are so severe, lawmakers have denied many convicted felons a fresh start. If you’re concerned that you might not be qualified for expungement, contact our Chicago lawyers to review your case.   Often, our sealing lawyers are able to seal even serious felony offenses from the public view. This helps our clients immensely in terms of securing better employment opportunities. 

Fortunately, many convictions, arrests, and probations may be expunged from your criminal record. If you were tried or convicted in Illinois, you should have the chance to bring your case forward and work to receive the expungement you deserve.  

Getting Your Record Sealed or Expunged in Chicago

When preparing your expungement papers, you’ll need to gather information about each case for your expungement. For example, you’ll need all the following information: 

  • You will need to purchase your background information sheet
  • Your case number
  • Your arrest date
  • The type of charges against you
  • The outcome of your case 
  • The prosecutor for your case 

This information will help our trusted attorneys determine the best way to help you with an expungement or sealing. Once you’ve gathered the above information and any other notes, we may file a petition to have your record expunged or sealed. From there, your Chicago expungement petition will be reviewed. 

Until your petition is approved or denied, you may have to wait for some time. The state will have up to sixty days to object to your petition, and if they object to that petition, you’ll need to defend your case. As such, it certainly helps to have a Chicago lawyer on your side to help you fight back. Chicago Trusted Attorneys has an extremely high success rate in having our clients’ expungement and sealing cases approved. We find it so rewarding when we help our clients get the second chance they deserve. 

Seek Out a Chicago Attorney for Record Expungement 

When you’re facing the long-term consequences of a criminal record, you may be thinking about the benefits of a record expungement or sealing. Unfortunately, it might feel overwhelming, making it tougher for you to take action.

At Chicago Trusted Attorneys, we understand that the penalties for a criminal record can be steep, so we’ll help you fight back. When you’re not sure what to do about your criminal record in Chicago, reach out for the help you need to file your petition and deal with your record. 

Ready to expunge or seal your record and start fresh? Reach out to a Chicago expungement lawyer for help. Our lawyers can guide you through the process, starting with a call to 312-519-3171 or filling out our online form, which you can complete below.