How Bail Works

It’s never easy to go to jail, and it may be even more stressful trying to pay to get out. Bail can be difficult to navigate, especially if you’ve already been arrested and are awaiting your bail posting. So how does it work? 

A Chicago criminal defense lawyer at Chicago Trusted Attorneys can help you navigate these uncertain waters during your most difficult time. We will guide you in the right direction.

Understanding Bail 

When it comes to any bail bond system, there are rules in place. The purpose of bail is to make sure someone who has been arrested will return to court if released. If this person posts bail and returns on their first court date as expected, the bail will be returned to them.

However, not everyone may get the option to post bail. The bond cost and whether or not you have the option to post bail are formed on a case-by-case basis. Bond amounts are set by a judge. It is determined by the offense committed, a defendant’s financial resources, past criminal records, and the likelihood that the defendant may flee. 

This may result in two people being charged different amounts for committing the exact same crime. In addition, due to risks posed by certain defendants with criminal records, those with multiple serious offenses may not be allowed to post bail at all.

What to Do if You Have a Bond

If you have a bond, there will be a set number of things you may have to do during this timeframe. You will be expected to attend all of your court dates until your case has been decided.

In addition, the court will want you to obey all court orders that may be given, stay within the state of Illinois unless otherwise given permission, and refrain from committing other crimes. In certain circumstances, you may also be ordered to stay away from the victim, go through evaluations, or give up any weapons in your possession.

How to Post Bail

If you or a loved one has been arrested, you need to understand how to post your bail correctly. Because there are no bondsmen in the state of Illinois, you will be expected to post your bail directly to the Illinois court. When planning to post your bail, you will need to provide a set amount of information, specific to the person arrested:

  • Full name 
  • Date of birth
  • Amount being paid
  • Payment method
  • The crime

In some cases, the defendant will be expected to only post 10 percent of the bail set by the judge.

Understand Your Options with a Criminal Defense Attorney

If you or a family member are arrested, don’t deal with the struggles of jail and bonds alone. You should bring on an experienced lawyer with Chicago Trusted Attorneys to help you navigate your options.

Are you ready for us to help you with your case? We’re here to walk you through the next steps to get your desired outcome. To get started, call 312-519-3171 or fill out the contact form on the right side of the page.